Friday, April 29, 2011

Dr. Amr Shalakani, Phd Harvard University, who teaches law at the American University in Cairo, and at Cairo University, has been arrested

Professor Dr. Amr Shalakani, who teaches law at the American
University in Cairo, and at Cairo University, has been arrested and is
on his way to martial court for a possible sentence of 15 years in
prison, with the claims that he engaged in "insulting the supreme
military council" and causing riots and burning a police station.
We currently don't have the exact charges in terms of which legal
frame that he is being placed within, but the narrative is that he was
driving in Sharm El Sheikh, and was stopped by officers for attempting
to drive within an area that is car-free (by Nema Bay), and then
because of verbal insults from the side of the officers, Amr Shalakani
replied back aggressively, which caused his arrest, for two nights,
later on it was decided that he would be released this morning.
On checking at what time he shall be released, the detaining officers
announced he shall be sent to Suez, for a trial under martial law, for
imprisonment for 15 years, claiming the previous acts. From our
knowledge of the person of Dr.Amr Shalakani, we assume that he would
not set fire in a police station, and would be very calculative of his
actions within this context, as someone who is very aware of Egyptian
law, being a professor of Law.
This is just to inform everybody on this mailing list, until we get
further details of exactly which legal charges, which court, and when
the trial shall be held.


EquiJuri said...

We hereby urge all competent authorities in Egypt to reconsider his illegal detention and those accusations as it is legally unjustified and will be challenged from our part. We further warn that any human right violations against him shall be very strongly defended by Egypt Corporate Lawyers.

EquiJuri said...

Egypt Corporate Lawyers Group on Facebook is shouting "...Free Amr El Shalakany. Professor of Law at Cairo University and American University in Cairo. He was arrested in Sharm El Sheikh 3 days ago. He is now in Suez at the Military Prosecution where he will be put on trial before a military court. Lawyers and activists are on the way to Suez. Please spread the word. Power to Pressure of the People..."

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