Thursday, May 26, 2011

Fwd: Democracy, default or "Inspocracy" my own reasoning?

Begin forwarded message:

From: hassan abdallah <>
Date: 26 May 2011 19:37:51 EEST
Subject: Democracy, default or "Inspocracy" my own reasoning?

Democracy, default or "Inspocracy" my own reasoning?


We all know that the power is to the people how can we make this dream becoming true?


The answer is so simple, all we have to do is adjust the constitution, the question is what to adjust & how?


The answer is, adding to the constitution few things:


1) - 51% of members of the parliament are liberal, not members of any of the political parties & are elected directly through the population.


2) - If one of the political parties refuses voting for new governmental elections (meaning breaking the nation in half or canceling it) the power goes immediately to the people that will dictate & order 51% of the liberal members of the parliaments that was elected from the majority of the population, then start new governmental elections that overrules the other political party (reaction equilibrium) & so on.


3) - Is it possible of making a true uncorrupted election & out of fraud through syndicates how that might be?


A) - in case of emergencies, voices are needed (petitions, elections, etc) each individual of the population goes immediately to the nearest A.T.M. 24/7 (Ex: all Belgium credit cards and debit cards or I.D. Cards are produced from the bank S.I.S & shares the same shape, size & chip).

That means all we have to add to the A.T.M. is a simple software to make the change happen in less than 25 hours.


B) - Role of syndicates is to supervise & follow-up the procedure, how?

A1) – After the voting through the A.T.Ms, Syndicates representatives 7 from each is at any time welcome to enter the National Bank and have the results.

B1) – Less than 7 days later each one of the voted participants receives an official letter from his Syndicates with mentioning what he has elected or voted for.

C1) – If any of the participants did not receive his official letter from his Syndicate, that means he has to present himself immediately to the syndicate to check about his vote (Corruption & fraud prevention).


That way the power will return to the people & overrule political parties through supporting 51% of liberal members of the Parliaments.


So help me GOD,

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