Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Legal Vacancy for Lawyers

A post by Mr. Galal El Hamamsy
Male Associate vacancy available at a Law Firm in Mohandessen, 1 to 3 years of experience, English drafting is a must. Email CVs to: galal@elhamamsy.net

Egypt Corporate Lawyers: President approves a draft law to regulate challen...

Egypt Corporate Lawyers: President approves a draft law to regulate challen...: The Temporary President Adly Mansour approved a new draft law on the regulation of challenging the validity of contracts between the...

President approves a draft law to regulate challenging contracts between the Gov' and Investors

The Temporary President Adly Mansour approved a new draft law on the regulation of challenging the validity of contracts between the Government and Investors, the new draft exclusively entitles the Parties to the contract to challenge it, accordingly lawyers and activists who have previously challenged such contracts will not be entitled to file such cases in the future. Such development will have a positive impact on the market in our view, and will make the investors feel safer when entering into contract with the Governments, however, it weakens the public supervision on such contracts.
The following companies may be affected by such an amendment; Talaat Mostafa, Egyptian Resorts, Santamin Egypt, and Arab Cotton.

أقر الرئيس المؤقت عدلي منصور قانون ينظم الطعن على العقود المبرمة بين الحكومة والمستثمرين، ويقصر الحق في الطعن على طرفي العقد، وسيطبق القانون على القضايا المرفوعة قبل صدور هذا القانون ما لم تصدر المحكمة حكم بات بشأنها.

قانون الاستثمار الجديد يحتوي على أحكام تحظر الطعون من أطراف ثالثة على العقود المبرمة بين الحكومة والمستثمرين. ووفقًا للتعديلات المجراة على القانون، يقتصر الحق في الطعن على طرفي العقد (الحكومة والمستثمر). وكانت الحكومة السابقة برئاسة الببلاوي قد وافقت مبدئيًا على تعديلات قانون الاستثمار في فبراير الماضي. والهدف من هذه الأحكام طمأنة المستثمرين بعد أن ثار قلقهم الطعون المرفوعة على صفقات من هذا النوع، ولم يتم حسم موقف بعضها إلى الآن في المحاكم. ومنذ ثورة 2011، أصدرت المحاكم حوالي 11 حكمًا ببطلان عقود وقعتها الحكومات السابقة، وقام برفع هذه القضايا نشطاء أو محامون بزعم أن الشركات الحكومية بيعت بثمن بخس في هذه الصفقات، التي مثلت ممارسات فاسدة خلال عهد مبارك.
ونحن نري ان ذلك سيكون له أثر إيجابي، وفي انتظار الإفصاح عن مزيد من التفاصيل بشأن سريان القانون والقضايا ذات الصلة المرفوعة ضد الشركات التي نغطيها

*         إقرار الرئيس للقانون له دلالات إيجابية بالنسبة للمستثمرين (سواء الحاليين أو المحتملين).

*         نصت مادة بالقانون على سريانه في القضايا الحالية بما يبعث بالأمل على انفراج أزمات الشركات المرفوع ضدها قضايا الآن في المحاكم المصرية ولم يتم حسمها بعد.

*          الهدف من هذا القانون، من وجهة نظر الحكومة، جذب استثمارات أجنبية مباشرة جديدة إلى مصر سواء عن طريق المستثمرين الحاليين أو مستثمرين جدد.

*          بافتراض سريان القانون على الفور، سيؤثر ذلك بالإيجاب على شركات طلعت مصطفى والعربية لحليج الأقطان والمصرية للمنتجعات السياحية وسينتامين؛ حيث تأثرت تقييمات هذه الشركات بالمخاطر العالية للاستثمار فيها جراء القضايا المرفوعة ضدها في المحاكم والتي تتعلق بجزء كبير من أصولها.

ننتظر الإفصاح عن مزيد من التفاصيل حول ذلك الأمر

*         على الرغم من علمنا بأن الرئيس لديه سلطة إصدار القوانين، نحتاج للتأكد مما إذا كان يجب أن يخضع لموافقة البرلمان (وفي هذه الحالة، سيؤجل القانون إلى ما بعد الانتخابات الرئاسية القادمة).

*         نحتاج إلى الإفصاح عن مزيد من المعلومات لمعرفة أثر القانون على الشركات التي نغطي أسهمها. وننتظر أيضًا توضيح بشأن تطبيق القانون على القضايا التي أصدرت فيها محكمة دنيا حكم، لكن تم الطعن عليه أمام محكمة أعلى (مثل المحكمة الإدارية العليا)، وفي انتظار البت فيه.

*         وعندما تواصلنا مع الشركات علمنا أنها تتابع عن كثب المستجدات بشأن هذا القانون. وفي الوقت الحالي لا توجد تصريحات مؤكدة بشأن القضايا المرفوعة، ولم يتم الإفصاح عن كامل تفاصيل القانون بعد.

في هذا السياق، فيما يلي قائمة ببعض القضايا ذات الصلة والتي تتعلق بالشركات التي نغطيها

قضية أرض مدينتي التابعة لمجموعة طلعت مصطفى – تم توقيع عقد أرض مدينتي في 2005، وبموجبه منحت الحكومة أرض مساحتها 33 مليون متر مربع لمجموعة طلعت مصطفى، واتفقت الشركة على سداد قيمة الأرض عينًا (مقابل 7٪ من مساحة المباني بهذا المشروع)، بشرط أن قيمة الوحدات العينية تبلغ 10 مليارات جنيه على الأقل. وبدأ النزاع بقضية رفعها طرف ثالث بزعم أن أرض مدينتي كان من المفترض أن تباع من خلال مزاد علني وليس بالتخصيص المباشر. ومنذ ذلك الحين، والقضية معلقة، ولم يتم حسمها بعد. في 29 يناير 2014، أجلت المحكمة الإدارية العليا القضية إلى 6 مايو القادم. وعلى الرغم من عدم صدور حكم نهائي بالقضية، سجلت الشركة مبيعات عقارية وعمليات تسليم على مستوى جيد بهذا المشروع.

قضية أرض سهل حشيش التابعة للمصرية للمنتجعات السياحية – حصلت الشركة على أرض مساحتها 33 مليون متر مربع بالتخصيص المباشر مقابل 1 دولار/متر مربع، وذلك بمنطقة سهل حشيش في الغردقة. ورفع طرف ثالث قضية في 2011 مشككًا في نزاهة العقد. وأخطرت هيئة التنمية السياحية الشركة في أبريل 2011 بإلغاء ملكيتها لأرض المرحلة الثالثة بسهل حشيش (المنطقة ج) (مساحتها حوالي 20 مليون متر مربع). وفي 17 مارس 2014، أجلت هيئة المفوضين بمجلس الدولة جلسة الاستماع للقضية المرفوعة من الشركة ضد هيئة المجتمعات العمرانية حتى 16 يونيو 2014. ويعد مشروع سهل حشيش أحد أكبر المشروعات التابعة للشركة، وأثر النزاع القائم على الأرض سلبًا على المبيعات التعاقدية جراء تأجيل بدء أعمال البنية التحتية في المشروع.

قضية منجم السكري التابع لسنتامين – رفع محامي مصري قضية ضد عقد امتياز منجم السكري (الأصل الوحيد الذي يحقق إيرادات من بين أصول سنتامين)، بما أدى إلى قرار محكمة إدارية في 30 أكتوبر 2012 ينص على بطلان عقد استغلال المنجم. طعنت سنتامين على هذا القرار أمام المحكمة الإدارية العليا، ولم يتم حسم القضية بعد، ووفقًا لأخر المستجدات التي نشرت حول هذه القضية (في مارس 2014) تم التأجيل إلى جلسة 7 أكتوبر 2014، وتوافق ذلك مع توقعاتنا بعدم صدور حكم إلا بعد الانتخابات الرئاسية والبرلمانية.

قضية بطلان تخصيص شركة العربية لحليج الأقطان – هناك قضية مرفوعة حاليًا تتطالب ببطلان تخصيص الشركة الذي تم في عام 1995، وحكم المحكمة في قضايا مماثلة غير مبشر (مثل الحكم ببطلان خصخصة النيل لحليج الأقطان). وتهدد هذه القضية قدرة الشركة على تحقيق عوائد مجزية من خلال استثماراتها غير الأساسية (المتمثلة بشكل أساسي في محفظة أراضي بمساحة 0.6 مليون متر مربع في مناطق تقع بالقرب من النيل والتي تمثل 61٪ من تقييم الشركة).

Best Regards,
Mohamed E. Shaheen
Corporate Lawyers

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Egypt Corporate Lawyers: SODIC settles dispute over Eastown project - Egypt...

Egypt Corporate Lawyers: SODIC settles dispute over Eastown project - Egypt...: http://english.mubasher.info/CASE/news/2523347/SODIC-settles-dispute-over-Eastown-project

SODIC settles dispute over Eastown project - Egyptian Stock Exchange | Mubasher


Fwd: Egypt's Arabian Cement Company IPO - Analysing valuation/pricing scenarios, pre-IPO

Mohamed E. Shaheen from iphone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "NAEEM Research" <research@naeemholding.com>
Date: 15 April 2014 04:27:04 pm EET
Subject: Egypt's Arabian Cement Company IPO - Analysing valuation/pricing scenarios, pre-IPO

Arabian Cement to start IPO roadshow next week - Arabian Cement Company (ACC) plans to hold international presentations from next week aimed at attracting investors to a stock market debut that would be the first in Cairo since 2011. Chief Executive Jose Maria Magrina said the firm was looking to float a stake of between 22.5-30%. It will hold presentations for investors in Britain, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, the United Arab Emirates and the United States. "Our target is the 14 May to start trading but that may change as it depends on the result of the roadshow," he said on Monday. "We believe that this is the right time as the country is now going through a second renaissance," Magrina said. "We want to capture this and we think that this excitement will help the company and the stock exchange to perform better." Magrina said Arabian Cement's capital was worth around EGP757m (USD109m) and the initial public offering (IPO) would see Egyptian shareholders sell down some of their stakes. He did not identify the investors. EFG-Hermes has been mandated to advise on the IPO

About ACC –

*        The company has a cement production capacity of 5mt, relative to the industry capacity of an estimated 60mt

*        According to local dispatch indications, ACC sold roughly 4mt of cement during 2013, operating at 80% utlisation rates

*         Roughly 97% of the production is sold locally with exports making up 3% of total cement sales

*        With an indicative utilization rate of 80%, Arabian Cement is exposed to the local shortage of natural gas supplies; in our opinion, a 20% deficit given most of its plant capacities being new (commenced in 2008 and 2012)

*        The company relies mostly on gas for cement production, but hopes to increase its capacity from renewable energy by the end of this year from 10% to 30%. Plans are laid out for an EGP300m expenditure to use both coal/waste

*        Spanish cement group Cementos La Union, which owns 60% of ACC, is expected to keep its majority 60% stake intact in ACC

Valuation of the IPO –

*        Given ACC's cement plant capacity of 5mt being almost new (less than five years old), the company's total value can be looked at from a replacement-cost perspective. Going by latest indications, the replacement cost/ton of cement in Egypt is around EGP1,250/ton. In other words, it costs approximately EGP6.25bn (USD900m) to construct a new cement plant in Egypt with a capacity of 5mt p.a.  

*        Listed cement stocks in Egypt (out of which five are under our coverage universe), currently reflect  big disparities in their implied replacement cost valuation multiples; ranging between EGP735/ton – EGP1,350/ton (refer chart below). The difference in valuation is mainly a result of the cost structure mix (between gas and mazut), local energy shortages impacting production, company specific issues, labor strikes, disclosures etc.   

*        However, it can still be concluded that most Egyptian cement stocks (as of today), on average trade at a 20%-25% discount to their replacement cost value i.e. about EGP1,000/ton. For ACC, this would translate to a total value of EGP5bn (USD715m) assuming no debt in its books

*        Given that ACC currently has net debt amounting to EGP1.34bn, an indicative EGP3.7bn equity value arises

*        We highlight the following valuation/IPO pricing scenarios for  ACC, assuming 25% of its shares offered to the market (also depicted in the chart below)

1.       Pricing at replacement cost  - Total equity value of EGP4.9bn raising/offering EGP1.23bn through the IPO

2.       Pricing at indicative fair value, based on current market multiples of existing listed cement stocks in Egypt – Total equity value of EGP3.7bn offering EGP915m through the IPO

3.       Pricing at a 20% discount to indicative fair value - Total equity value of EGP1.86bn, raising/offering EGP464m through the IPO

4.       Pricing at a 30% discount to indicative fair value - Total equity value of EGP1.62bn raising/offering EGP406m through the IPO        

*        The IPO pricing would depend on the extent of discount (if any) that the financial advisors/lead managers (of the IPO) would suggest to the company; an IPO pricing usually involves offering a discount through the issue price, to ensure better participation/subscription to the offer and, giving investors the opportunity to unlock returns post issuance



Best regards,

Research Department



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Egypt Corporate Lawyers: Fwd: Egypt's Arabian Cement Company IPO - Analysin...

Egypt Corporate Lawyers: Fwd: Egypt's Arabian Cement Company IPO - Analysin...: Mohamed E. Shaheen from iphone Begin forwarded message: From: "NAEEM Research" < research@naeemholding.com > Date: 15 Apri...

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Egypt Corporate Lawyers: What I Learned Watching 150 Hours of TED Talks - C...

Egypt Corporate Lawyers: What I Learned Watching 150 Hours of TED Talks - C...: http://blogs.hbr.org/2014/04/what-i-learned-watching-150-hours-of-ted-talks/?utm_source=Socialflow&utm_medium=Tweet&utm_campaign=Soc...

What I Learned Watching 150 Hours of TED Talks - Carmine Gallo - Harvard Business Review


Egypt Corporate Lawyers: Tips for client relations for corporate lawyers

Egypt Corporate Lawyers: Tips for client relations for corporate lawyers: Those tips are in no particular order, are common sense, not rocket science, but practically i found them very useful in my personal practi...

Egypt Corporate Lawyers: Tips for client relations for corporate lawyers

Egypt Corporate Lawyers: Tips for client relations for corporate lawyers: Those tips are in no particular order, are common sense, not rocket science, but practically i found them very useful in my personal practi...

Tips for client relations for corporate lawyers

Those tips are in no particular order, are common sense, not rocket science, but practically i found them very useful in my personal practice and i hope it will help young lawyers maintain a healthy client relations which leads to clients' loyalty.

1- Good client service starts with good client selection, don't work without someone you don't like on the personal level, make sure you developed a good intake procedures, do not take clients outside your area of expertise, send non-engagement letters to potential clients you do not take, and sign a confidentiality and retainer or legal service agreement with the clients you decide to take.

2- Do not over promise or over bill, but be enthusiastic about your career , it is always better to say less and do more, sometimes less is more, don't raise expectations and not meet it, be honest and transparent, humans make mistakes, lawyers are humans, so we may make mistakes, always tell your client the truth if you make a mistake, most clients will forgive a mistake but they will never forgive trying to hide it, make sure your work is timely and to keep your clients informed about all developments early on, never make clients wait for you more than 10 minutes, their time is as valuable as yours, send you clients update on the developments of their work.

3- Stay on top of technology, it will save you time, costs, effort and will give you a huge comparative advantage over your peers. Technology and internet are the power of this era of the human development and evolution.

4-  Contact clients regularly, don't just call them to discuss problems, always return calls the same day or within 24 hours, never make a client feel you are too busy for him, or that you have more important work than his work, just call to touch base for no reason other than to let them know you are there when they need you, ask your client what they think of your work, your office and your services, and don't forget to say thank you.

5- Don't engage in a conflict of interest, or represent conflicting interest, and keep your client's information confidential, even your closest friends, family, wife, colleagues ....etc.

6- Bill monthly and with details, show the effort exerted in the work performed, you may write a short note on the bill to personalize it, follow up on payment, ask the right questions for the unpaid bills, such as, have you received the invoice, do you understand it, is there anything that you don't like about the related service, when shall i expect the invoice to be paid, make sure there is a penalty for each day of delay in payment.

Finally one should not hesitate good luck.

Best Regards,
Mohamed E. Shaheen

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Egypt Corporate Lawyers: Nine-month-old boy charged with attempted murder i...

Egypt Corporate Lawyers: Nine-month-old boy charged with attempted murder i...: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/ninemonthold-boy-charged-with-attempted-murder-in-pakistan-granted-bail-by-judge-9241959.html

Egypt Corporate Lawyers: Nine-month-old boy charged with attempted murder i...

Egypt Corporate Lawyers: Nine-month-old boy charged with attempted murder i...: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/ninemonthold-boy-charged-with-attempted-murder-in-pakistan-granted-bail-by-judge-9241959.html

Egypt Corporate Lawyers: Nine-month-old boy charged with attempted murder i...

Egypt Corporate Lawyers: Nine-month-old boy charged with attempted murder i...: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/ninemonthold-boy-charged-with-attempted-murder-in-pakistan-granted-bail-by-judge-9241959.html

Nine-month-old boy charged with attempted murder in Pakistan granted bail by judge - Asia - World - The Independent


Sent from my iPad

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Egypt Corporate Lawyers: Corporate news from Naeem Brokers

Egypt Corporate Lawyers: Corporate news from Naeem Brokers:   Cabinet approves use of coal for power generation EGP weakens at central bank dollar sale CAPMAS: 27% YoY decrease in tourist arrivals in ...

Corporate news from Naeem Brokers


Cabinet approves use of coal for power generation

EGP weakens at central bank dollar sale

CAPMAS: 27% YoY decrease in tourist arrivals in February 2014, reaching 617k tourists cf. 845k in Feb. 2013

Cairo International Airport has reported a decline in passenger traffic by 1.9% YoY in 1Q14

Blackouts in Egypt will be reduced, but not ended: Electricity officials

Red Sea Ports Authority announces new development plans  

EGAS receives plot of land in Rashid to establish gas processing plant, which pertains to BP's North Alexandria project

North Giza, Banha, and Ain El Sukhna power plants are to commence operations next June, adding 2,400MW to the national grid

Bombs kill two, including police officer, at Cairo University

Egypt to pass new "anti-terrorism" law - ministers

Misr Cement Qena OGM approves the distribution of a cash dividend of EGP6/share, representing a payout of 66% and a yield of 8%

Egyptian Transport Company invests EGP170m in new project

Arabtec Holding appoints CEO for Egypt subsidiary

National Bank of Egypt and Banque Misr warn investors against making any transactions on the assets of Ahmed Bahgat group, as ownership is transferred to the Egyptian Company for Real Estate Asset Management and Investment



Cabinet approves use of coal for power generation

Egypt's cabinet on Wednesday approved the use of coal for power generation after a fierce debate within the government over whether the highly pollutant fuel should be permitted for use by the energy-intensive cement industry. Struggling to avoid public unrest over blackouts, the government has cut natural gas supplies to factories, prompting cement companies to renew their demand to use the fuel. Companies including Lafarge and Suez Cement, have said the industry is operating at half capacity since the gas cuts began in January. Government spokesman Hani Salah said no approval from the interim president was required since the decision was taken by the cabinet and is not a law. Asked when companies would have the green light to use coal, he said that "most environmental studies" had already been conducted and predicted it would "not be very long" before plants would be using coal. Suez Cement CEO Bruno Carre told Reuters last week one of the company's four plants could be ready to run on coal by September. (Source: Ahram Online)

Our take – Positive for cement companies

*         The latest development follows indications (in March) of a permit to use coal from Egypt's  Industry and Investment Minister, Mounir Fakhry Abdel Nour. The minister had said that the first factory to begin running on coal will do so in September

*         Nevertheless, this comes as positive news for the cement industry, given the additional option of being able to switch to coal in times of gas/mazut shortages

*         The cabinet approval comes on the back of energy supply shortages (especially with regards to natural gas) impacting production levels and in turn, resulting in a sudden surge in cement prices. As per some indications, cement prices are still hovering around EGP750/ton, up by around 20% owing to the shortage of energy supplies hurting plant operating rates

*         However, in our opinion, this is something that would take time to implement. Essentially, companies also need to have the logistics/supply chain (from import-to-the-plant) in place to use the commodity in Egypt

*         We need to confirm if the standards to use coal (for energy generation) would be similar to those applied in the EU; which stipulates a mix/ratio  

*         Also, it should be a tough task on the government to agree on granting a blanket license  to all cement producers to import coal. It is going to be hard for companies located close to towns and cities (or residential areas) to be able to get permits to use coal (due to environment concerns)

*         Areas that are tourist destinations could also be barred from the use of coal. Hence, unless there is clarity from the government/authorities on the permits/licenses, it is unlikely that companies would pump capex into coal infrastructures

Regarding implications of coal usage on valuations within our coverage universe, our estimates have already accounted for the opportunity cost of using the alternative fuel. 


EGP weakens at central bank dollar sale

The Egyptian pound (EGP) weakened against the dollar at a central bank dollar sale on Wednesday for the third time in four auctions. The central bank sold USD38.3m to banks with a cut-off price of EGP6.9624, down from Monday's EGP6.9575. It had offered USD40m. A trader on the parallel market said the dollar traded at EGP7.39 earlier this week. (Source: Reuters)

CAPMAS: 27% YoY decrease in tourist arrivals in February 2014, reaching 617k tourists cf. 845k in Feb. 2013. (Source: Al Allam Al Youm Newspaper)

Cairo International Airport has reported a decline in passenger traffic by 1.9% YoY in 1Q14. (Source: Alborsa Newspaper)

Blackouts in Egypt will be reduced, but not ended: Electricity officials

Following two days of increased power cuts, Egypt's government on Wednesday announced plans to increase the country's supply of electricity by importing natural gas and diesel in the short term and beginning construction on three new power plants. Energy consumption is currently peaking at around 22,000MW, much lower than the 34,000MW used in the hottest months of summer – which raises concerns about continuing fuel shortages in the coming months. Gaber El-Desouki, chairman of the Egyptian Electricity Holding Company, addressed this week's power cuts on Wednesday at a joint press conference with Khaled Abdel-Badie, of the Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company (EGAS). El-Desouki said that the electric grid had been missing between 3000MW - 4000 MW per day on Monday and Tuesday – compared to an average of 1000MW - 2000MW during the last two weeks. He said the blackouts became more frequent as several units of power plants had been out of service for maintenance, while others had been stopped due to previous plans as well as being out of fuel. But he said that while the cuts would decrease, no one should expect them to end anytime soon. In the short term, Egypt is preparing to import natural gas beginning in August, as the government is finalising a deal to buy a floating unit to re-gas LNG in Ain Sokhna, Abdel-Badie said. (Source: Ahram Online)

Red Sea Ports Authority announces new development plans  

The Red Sea Ports Authority (RSPA) announced the implementation of new projects in the Adabiya and Tawfik ports with the aim of stimulating both domestic and foreign investment opportunities. Minister of Transportation Ibrahim El-Demeiry said that the projects include the building of a new cargo terminal which will "open new business opportunities and jobs" in Port Tawfik. The cargo terminal will span 250,000 sqm. and accommodate medium-sized ships. The ministry said the capacity of the port would increase to 1.5mt and offer 500 new job opportunities during the construction period and 2,000 opportunities after its completion. RSPA Chairman Hassan Falah said a station for stocking wheat will be established in the Adabiya Port. The expected capacity of the station will be 2.5mt and will offer 700 job opportunities while under construction and 1,500 jobs after the project is completed. (Source: Reuters)

EGAS receives plot of land in Rashid to establish gas processing plant, which pertains to BP's North Alexandria project. (Source: Alborsa Newspaper)

North Giza, Banha, and Ain El Sukhna power plants are to commence operations next June, adding 2,400MW to the national grid. (Source: Alborsa Newspaper)

Bombs kill two, including police officer, at Cairo University

Explosions outside Cairo University killed two people including a police brigadier-general on Wednesday in what appeared to be a militant attack targeting security forces. A group calling itself Ajnad Misr, or Soldiers of Egypt, claimed responsibility for the blasts, which follow a string of operations launched against police and soldiers since 3 July. Hours after the explosions in an upmarket area near the zoo in Giza, a high-level government security committee said it would present legislation "connected to combating terrorism" for the cabinet's approval on Thursday, without going into further details. (Source: Reuters)

Egypt to pass new "anti-terrorism" law - ministers

Senior Egyptian ministers said they would pass legislation on Thursday "connected to confronting terrorism", in a statement released hours after three explosions killed two people in Cairo. The statement from a high-level security committee including the prime minister and ministers of defence and interior, did not go into further details on the contents of the law. It said the bill would be presented to the cabinet for approval. (Source: Reuters)


Misr Cement Qena OGM approves the distribution of a cash dividend of EGP6/share, representing a payout of 66% and a yield of 8%. (Source: Al Allam Al Youm Newspaper)

Egyptian Transport Company invests EGP170m in new project

Egytrans said it started negotiations with local and international investors to establish a new project at EGP170m to transport grains to and from the Port of Alexandria through Nubaria canal. The company announced dividend distribution of EGP0.5/share as of 17 April 2014 and shareholders as of 14 April 2014 are entitled to the dividend distribution. (Source: Mubasher)

Arabtec Holding appoints CEO for Egypt subsidiary

Arabtec Holding announced in a press release the appointment of Sami Asad as Chief Executive Officer for its newly created subsidiary: Arabtec Egypt for Real Estate Development, and reporting directly to the MD and CEO of Arabtec Holding. (Source: Mubasher)

National Bank of Egypt and Banque Misr warn investors against making any transactions on the assets of Ahmed Bahgat group, as ownership is transferred to the Egyptian Company for Real Estate Asset Management and Investment.  (Source: Al-Ahram Newspaper)




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